Why GTA 6 and the PS5 Pro are the perfect match!

There is widespread agreement that the release of GTA 6 will have a lasting impact on the entire video game industry. The first trailer released, which currently has over 170 million views, impressively illustrates the immense interest in the upcoming open-world title from Rockstar Games.

In addition to the trailer and the rough release date, the platforms for which GTA 6 will be released are also known. However, speculation is growing that the release of GTA 6 is ideally suited to the supposedly imminent release of the PS5 Pro.

CNBC analysts believe that the more powerful version of the PlayStation 5 could be launched in the second half of 2024. This would provide enough consoles to cope with the expected rush of players for the anticipated release of GTA 6 in the first or second quarter of 2025.

“There seems to be a broad consensus in the game industry that Sony is indeed preparing a launch of a PS5 Pro in the second half of 2024,” Serkan Toto, CEO of games consultancy company Kantan Games, told CNBC. “And Sony will want to make sure to have a great piece of hardware ready when GTA VI hits in 2025, a launch that will be a shot in the arm for the entire gaming industry.”

GTA 6 could therefore be the perfect driving force to raise the already very good sales figures of the PS5 to a new level. After all, many gamers are quite willing to buy a new console just for such a title, especially if it is the ideal home for GTA 6 thanks to improved hardware.

However, with such a large and detailed world, the question arises as to how well the currently available PS5 and Xbox Series X|S consoles will be able to display this title. It seems unlikely that GTA 6 can be displayed smoothly and at a constant 60 frames per second on current hardware.

The rumors about the PS5 Pro point to a possible minor performance upgrade for the processor and graphics chip. Whether this is enough to achieve such a smooth refresh rate remains speculative for the time being due to a lack of facts. However, it could be possible that owners of a PS5 Pro and GTA 6 will have to adjust to a frame rate of between 30 and 60 frames per second and will also be offered different graphics modes.

Patrik Hasberg

Schreiberling, Spieleentdecker, praktizierender Perfektionist und Mann fürs Grobe. Außerdem laufender Freizeit-Hobbit, der Katzen liebt. – Hunde gehen auch. „Auch sonst eigentlich ganz ok“.

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