HomeGTA 64 huge GTA 6 Leaks

4 huge GTA 6 Leaks

It’s leak time again and since there are already a lot of exciting leaks about GTA 6, I’ll summarize four more features in this post that I find really interesting and that will most likely be in this form in the finished game.

Most of this information comes from the big leak wave from September 2022 and is therefore already confirmed. Others are rather semi-confirmed, so there are many indications, but they should still be viewed with caution.

Note: In general, Rockstar may have made changes here and there during development or removed planned features.

Dual Wielding Waepons

Dual Wielding Weapons have already been confirmed. Such a dual-wielding or akimbo feature existed in the history of the GTA series, for example in GTA: San Andreas, in which you can wield two weapons at the same time after reaching a certain skill level with certain weapon types, such as pistols and SMGs.

This allows you to deal more damage in battles as you distribute your lead from two barrels at once – and, let’s be honest, it also looks super cool when you unleash a hail of bullets on your opponents with two Uzis.

In later parts of the series, there were also specific weapons that can be wielded in Akimbo mode, but this function is somewhat more limited compared to San Andreas and restricted to certain weapon models.

So it would be really cool if we could get a system like this again in GTA 6, but in a more complex form, please. Incidentally, you can also use two handguns at the same time in Red Dead 2, i.e. pistols or revolvers. The only difference is that in 1899 there were no modern weapons like those in GTA 6.

Lots of mini-games

I’ve mentioned this leak before, but now let’s go into a little more detail. Allegedly, GTA 6 will be the spin-off of the series with the most mini-games.

These include golf, tennis, pool, basketball and a new fishing mini-game in which you can hunt marine creatures such as fish, dolphins and sharks with a harpoon.

Incidentally, the harpoon has already been confirmed as a weapon in GTA 6. I don’t want to hunt dolphins, but I’d really like to be able to explore the underwater world of GTA 6 with the harpoon.

Maybe even as part of a mission where you have to fight other divers underwater with a harpoon. I’m still wishing for a secret underwater base to infiltrate! What do you think? Too much, or a great idea?

There is also an exciting assumption about a basketball feature in GTA 6, with rumors of a 3v3 mode, which would be a first since San Andreas.

Incidentally, it is interesting to note that LeBron James shared his enthusiasm for GTA 6 on social media shortly after the release of the first trailer. And since Rockstar has already shared posts from the basketball pro, some believe a collaboration is a distinct possibility.

Vehicle thefts are becoming more difficult

In GTA 6, it will probably be much more challenging to steal vehicles. Especially when it comes to luxury models.

According to the leaks, however, there will be special tools that you can interact with in the game, for example to break open cars or make them ready to drive.

We are talking, for example, about lock picks to pick the locks of older cars, cutters, USB sticks, car dialers or even tracker jammers or GPS jammers. You can use these to prevent yourself from being tracked by the police or other groups.

In addition, the more expensive vehicles in particular may have an electronic security device that prevents the engine from running unless the correct key or token is present. This prevents the car from being short-circuited after you have gained access.

This is a method called Immobilizer Bypass, which has already been discovered in the game data and is likely to be used for particularly expensive vehicles.

Various events relating to car thefts were found in the GTA 6 data. It can even happen that you fail in the attempt and then the alarm system may be activated.

As you can see, Rockstar seems to want to live up to the name of the series and bring vehicles and their thefts back into focus, including the next leak.

Vehicle tracking system for collectors

Vehicles and animals in GTA 6 will probably have a Discovery Tracking System similar to that of Red Dead Redemption 2. This means that every vehicle is automatically added to your Discovery Section as soon as you get in.

Once you have discovered a certain number of vehicles in a class or category, new modifications for this specific vehicle class are unlocked.

This not only makes vehicles even more important overall, but also a kind of collector’s item that you want to collect as many of as possible. Perhaps this is even necessary for a 100% run!

And I think it would be really cool if you could go in search of certain vehicles. In Red Dead Redemption 2 it’s also quite nice with animals and plants, but in my opinion not nearly as motivating as with vehicles.

But what do you think? Let me know in the comments which of the leaks about GTA 6 you find the most exciting.

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Patrik Hasberg
Patrik Hasberghttp://www.gtaup.de
Schreiberling, Spieleentdecker, praktizierender Perfektionist und Mann fürs Grobe. Außerdem laufender Freizeit-Hobbit, der Katzen liebt. – Hunde gehen auch. „Auch sonst eigentlich ganz ok“.



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