HomeGTA 6YouTuber recreates GTA 6 trailer in Minecraft!

YouTuber recreates GTA 6 trailer in Minecraft!

The sandbox title Minecraft, which has sold over 300 million copies, is considered the most successful game of all time. GTA 5, which follows in second place with over 195 million units sold, is set to be replaced by its successor GTA 6 in 2025.

It is hardly surprising that YouTuber Boranium Art came up with the idea of recreating the extremely successful trailer for GTA 6 (with over 175 million views) completely in Minecraft. The recreation is characterized in particular by countless details and lighting that comes very close to the original.

However, this Minecraft video is by no means the only one of its kind. The GTA 6 trailer has already been recreated in various forms, for example in Lego, which also looks impressive and has its very own character thanks to numerous details.

A completely different, but no less creative approach is the trailer for GTA 6: Sylt Luxury, which sets the upcoming Rockstar title on the German island of Sylt.

Watch the GTA 6 trailer in Minecraft look here!

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Patrik Hasberg
Patrik Hasberghttp://www.gtaup.de
Schreiberling, Spieleentdecker, praktizierender Perfektionist und Mann fürs Grobe. Außerdem laufender Freizeit-Hobbit, der Katzen liebt. – Hunde gehen auch. „Auch sonst eigentlich ganz ok“.



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