GTA Online

GTA Online: Can I transfer money to friends and other players?

In the real world, money is an essential part of everyday life and serves as a recognized means for transactions. It’s a similar story in the virtual world of GTA Online, where virtual GTA dollars are needed for all kinds of purchases, be it for businesses, vehicles, weapons or fashion.

Can I give Money to other Players?

It used to be possible to send money directly to other players on older consoles. However, since an update in 2017, this is no longer so easy. Nevertheless, there are still ways to help fellow players financially.

Complete jobs or missions

One method is to complete jobs or missions together with other players in a lobby. After completing these tasks, the money earned can be shared with others via the interaction menu, with no upper limit on how much you want to give away.

If you have earned money through such an activity, the next step is to open the interaction menu, select your inventory and then go to Cash.

VIP missions also offer a quick way to earn money and then pass it on to other players. To do this, you have to register as a CEO and can then select specific jobs whose earnings can be shared.

Play heists and distribute money

Heist missions are another option for distributing money to friends. When planning a heist, you can determine how the loot is divided between the participating players. Upon successful completion, all participants receive their predetermined share.

In summary, there are various missions and activities in GTA Online through which players can earn money and share it with others to make it easier for them to get started or progress in the game.

Patrik Hasberg

Schreiberling, Spieleentdecker, praktizierender Perfektionist und Mann fürs Grobe. Außerdem laufender Freizeit-Hobbit, der Katzen liebt. – Hunde gehen auch. „Auch sonst eigentlich ganz ok“.

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