HomeGTA OnlineAll 76 peyote plants in GTA Online

All 76 peyote plants in GTA Online

In GTA Online , a total of 76 peyote plants are spread across the entire game world, and each plant transforms you into a different animal.

On the map below and in our video, we show you all 76 locations so that no plant is overlooked.

How to get the Peyote mission in GTA Online

The peyote mission in GTA Online starts automatically without you having to do anything. The next time you log in, you will receive a notification that peyote plants have appeared in Los Santos.

In online mode, you can be transformed into any animal by eating a plant.

The order in which you find the plants does not matter. When you consume a certain plant, you can turn into Bigfoot under certain conditions.

In GTA 5, the transformation into a Bigfoot was only possible with a unique golden peyote plant, which could be found at a certain location in the game, at a certain time and under certain weather conditions.

Note: After restarting GTA Online, used peyote plants will be reset.

What is the reward?

Although there is no big reward after successfully finding the plants as there is with playing cards or collectible figures, you will still receive 5,000 RP as soon as the effect of a peyote plant wears off. A total of 380,000 experience points are therefore possible to level up your character.

© Rockstar Games/PlayCentral.de

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Patrik Hasberg
Patrik Hasberghttp://www.gtaup.de
Schreiberling, Spieleentdecker, praktizierender Perfektionist und Mann fürs Grobe. Außerdem laufender Freizeit-Hobbit, der Katzen liebt. – Hunde gehen auch. „Auch sonst eigentlich ganz ok“.



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