HomeGTA OnlineGTA Online: How do I start Dispatch Work?

GTA Online: How do I start Dispatch Work?

As soon as you are in one of the patrol cars in GTA Online, you will be hailed by Officer Vincent Effenburger after the release of the Bottom Dollar Bounties update.

Vincent now offers you unofficial missions, which is Dispatch Work.

After Vincent’s call, you can start these jobs at any time from the driver’s seat of a police vehicle. To do this, press the right analog stick on your controller. The first time you do this, a corresponding message will also be displayed.

Incidentally, you don’t necessarily have to buy one of the three new police vehicles, but can also start dispatch work from the police cars released as part of the Chop Shop update.

You can only start dispatch work in GTA Online with the following six police vehicles:

  • Impaler SZ Cruiser
  • Dorado Cruiser
  • Greenwood Cruiser
  • Gauntlet Interceptor
  • Unmarked Cruiser
  • Stanier LE Cruiser

Note: You must not be a CEO if you want to start patrols.

Now accept the patrol, which will send you the location to which you should drive. The interesting thing is that from this point on you can leave your police vehicle and fly to the mission marker in the Oppression MK II, for example.

Once you have reached the marker, you usually have to eliminate some criminals.

In our case, for example, the generals of the cartel had to be eliminated. Here, you usually have to deal with a whole pack of enemies, all of whom are very well armed.

You will receive 25,000 GTA dollars for a patrol. These missions take around 5 to 10 minutes to complete. If you leave the police car and use a helicopter, for example, you can complete many of the missions in just a few minutes. So the 25,000 GTA dollars are pretty easy and quickly earned money.

There is a cooldown for patrols. However, this is currently only 5 minutes, which is why you can accept the next mission after a short time.

If you manage 10 missions, you will have already earned a whopping 250,000 GTA dollars. At the same time, you can unlock the purchase prices of the new police vehicles by driving patrols, which means you can even save money at the same time!

So if you already have a police vehicle anyway, you can quickly earn some extra money on the side by driving patrols.

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Patrik Hasberg
Patrik Hasberghttp://www.gtaup.de
Schreiberling, Spieleentdecker, praktizierender Perfektionist und Mann fürs Grobe. Außerdem laufender Freizeit-Hobbit, der Katzen liebt. – Hunde gehen auch. „Auch sonst eigentlich ganz ok“.



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